Friday, March 21, 2008

Hoppin' Down the Bunny Trail? Not This Year!

Clay and I are fortunate that our parents and siblings live in the Metro Atlanta area so we see them frequently and spend every holiday with them. So, when Clay and I started discussing our Easter plans we realized that we haven't been at home for any holiday since we were married! We jokingly said "we should just stay home this year!" Well, the more we thought about it, the more we liked the idea of celebrating Easter at home with just the 4 of us. We timidly told our families that we wouldn't be attending this year's festivities and surprisingly everyone is fine and completely understanding about our absence. It was settled, the Mallard family is staying off the bunny trail (known as Hwy 400, I-285 and I-20) this year.

I have the recipes and ingredients for our favorite Easter dishes, lots of plastic eggs to stuff for our family egg hunt and raw eggs waiting to be boiled and dyed. It is so wonderful to know that Jeremy and Nicholas (and, okay, Clay and I) will be able to spend lots of time checking out our respective Easter baskets before we head to Mass on Easter morning. We usually are in such a rush to get to where we are going that we don't have any time to really play with the toys in our Easter baskets or grab a few pieces of candy. The rest of the holiday will be spent relaxing, playing and just spending time together as a family. Nicholas is about to burst to break out his fishing gear so we'll probably head to a local pond to see what we can catch. If we don't catch any fish, then we'll break out the sidewalk chalk and let Nicholas and Jeremy create works of art on the driveway.

I doubt we will do this for any other holidays during the year as seeing extended family is very important to us. But I have to admit it is nice to have one special holiday celebration just for our little family. Happy Easter!


Steph said...

Enjoy your Easter, it sounds fabulous!

DB said...

I'm happy you're starting a tradition for YOUR family. I hope it was great!