Friday, September 28, 2007

Pictures or Privacy?

There is a bit of a bruhaha going on in the Internet blogging world right now (I know, when isn't some drama going on on the Internet?). A fairly popular blogger, Dutch, of the blog Sweet Juniper (, recently discovered that a photo editor from the parenting website used an unauthorized picture of Dutch's daughter to illustrate a story. How did the photo editor get this picture? She/He used the search function on, found the picture and grabbed it from the site. Dutch was not contacted prior to the use of the photo and when he complained about the use of the picture he was offered a paltry $100 and a meek apology. Dutch refused the money and decided to go public about the picture fiasco. Now there are many parent bloggers who are up in arms and questioning whether posting pictures of their children on the Internet is a good idea.

We all want to show the world how beautiful our offspring really are but at the same time we wonder if we are putting our children in a vulnerable state by posting their pictures. When I had to submit a photo for this blog, I took one of my kids and me and then one of just me. I am proud to be a mother, I am proud of my boys and I want the world to see them. At the same time I know of many instances where people have stolen photos of blogger's children and passed the children off as their own, openly mocked the children's appearance or God forbid used the pictures for inappropriate purposes. In the end I decided that you all would have to settle for just my ugly mug as I just didn't want my kids out there. I am an adult and I can take what people say about me and my appearance (within limits, I am human after all) but my kids didn't choose to go public. I don't care if other people do it, but for me it just didn't feel right. At the same time I wonder if I am a hypocrite because I freely use my children's name in this blog and will eventually talk about personal issues involving them. Also, am I making a mountain out of a molehill?

How do you feel about people posting pictures of their children on the 'Net? Would you do it? Do you feel that by posting on a blog or a message board that you open yourself up to the world and by that token you should share all? Let me know what you think!


I have always been a bit of a worrier. When I was younger I worried that I would be late to class, that my car would get a flat or that I would lose my job. I found that with a little positive self talk I could stop the fear that would make my heart race. Then I had kids and realized that my previous fears were mere wisps in the wind. Who knew having children could be such a terrifying yet exhilarating experience?

Last night my baby had a bout of stomach upset and while my husband and I cared for him and tried to keep him comfortable I couldn’t stop my worry. Could this be a simple tummy bug or is this a horrible disease? If I fell asleep after Jeremy went to bed would I hear him if he was sick in the middle of the night? Was I doing the right thing in taking a wait and see approach or should I call the Dr. RIGHT. THIS. MINUTE? You would think that with my second child I would be a bit more seasoned and not as quick to jump to the “what if” thoughts but the fear I had as a new mom is still there. Jeremy woke up this morning as hale and hearty as usual, having kicked whatever bug he had. Mom and Dad, on the other hand, are still feeling like we are walking on eggshells, waiting for that proverbial other shoe to drop.

Motherhood has changed me. I don’t mean in just the physical way of bags under the eyes and the stretch marks. I am more cautious, the world is a more dangerous place and fear seems to lurk around every corner. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in 4 years- since I was pregnant with my first child. I used to be able to sleep like the dead and now the slightest noise will wake me up. Ironically, I wake up in the middle of the night if I don’t hear anything from my kids. There has been many a night where I am in their room at 3am, just checking on their breathing, replacing covers, and placing a kiss on their foreheads. Does this instinct ever end? My parents used to tell me when I would balk about my curfew time that they could not go to sleep until they heard my car pull in the driveway. I always thought that sounded so dumb, what did they think would happen to me? Now that I am a mother I realize that this world is fraught with dangers and until we know our kids are under our roof and under our care again we don’t ever really stop holding our breath.

Of course I don’t believe that life as a parent is one of constant terror. My children help me slow down and appreciate the little things in life. Don’t rush off to another appointment instead watch a spider build a web. Chores can wait while you make silly faces and jokes. Laughing until you cry is something you should every single day. Life goes by so fast and it never hurts to stop, take a deep breath, push the worry away and appreciate what is in front of you- the beauty of a flower, the Elmo song (for the 100th time) or the blessing of strong, healthy kids.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


While I have been reading blogs for quite some time, I have never written one despite the many thoughts that are always flying through my head. For my first Atlanta Parent piece I thought I would take a moment to introduce myself.

I like to think I am a bit different. I don’t subscribe to any particular parenting philosophy; rather I pick and chose depending on what works for my family. I like to say that I fly by the seat of my pants and that’s okay! I have always worked with children- as a nanny, a daycare teacher and in a school office before I became an at- home mom and now I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I have a History degree from Georgia State University which means I am qualified to spout off on obscure historical facts which bore the pants off of everyone I meet. When my kids get a little older I am going back to school to work on a Masters degree in Education.

I am married to a wonderful guy named Clay who shares my love of computers, silly movies, Monty Python and nonsense. He never fails to make me laugh and see the bright side of life. Some would call us dorks but I prefer to think of us as geeks. Trust me, there is a difference. Really. Stop laughing! I am also the mother of two amazing kids. Nicholas is 3 ½ (the ½ is very important when you are little) and is obsessed with Star Wars, Spiderman and trains. He is smart, funny and an all around great kid but he can also be frustrating, trying and well.. 3 years old. My baby, Jeremy, is 7 months and desperately trying to keep up with his older brother. He is a joy in every way and enjoys his Exersaucer, bananas and pulling Mom’s hair. My boys keep me on my toes and brighten my day. No, we aren’t planning on trying for a girl.

What will I write about? Oh, a little of this and a lot of that. I have many passions and enjoy talking about them. What can you expect from me? Advice, answers, questions and observations. I believe the little things in life make living more fun and a sense of humor is the most important trait to have. Hopefully I can make you laugh, think and learn and maybe you can do the same for me.

Welcome to my blog. I am glad you are here.