Tuesday, September 25, 2007


While I have been reading blogs for quite some time, I have never written one despite the many thoughts that are always flying through my head. For my first Atlanta Parent piece I thought I would take a moment to introduce myself.

I like to think I am a bit different. I don’t subscribe to any particular parenting philosophy; rather I pick and chose depending on what works for my family. I like to say that I fly by the seat of my pants and that’s okay! I have always worked with children- as a nanny, a daycare teacher and in a school office before I became an at- home mom and now I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I have a History degree from Georgia State University which means I am qualified to spout off on obscure historical facts which bore the pants off of everyone I meet. When my kids get a little older I am going back to school to work on a Masters degree in Education.

I am married to a wonderful guy named Clay who shares my love of computers, silly movies, Monty Python and nonsense. He never fails to make me laugh and see the bright side of life. Some would call us dorks but I prefer to think of us as geeks. Trust me, there is a difference. Really. Stop laughing! I am also the mother of two amazing kids. Nicholas is 3 ½ (the ½ is very important when you are little) and is obsessed with Star Wars, Spiderman and trains. He is smart, funny and an all around great kid but he can also be frustrating, trying and well.. 3 years old. My baby, Jeremy, is 7 months and desperately trying to keep up with his older brother. He is a joy in every way and enjoys his Exersaucer, bananas and pulling Mom’s hair. My boys keep me on my toes and brighten my day. No, we aren’t planning on trying for a girl.

What will I write about? Oh, a little of this and a lot of that. I have many passions and enjoy talking about them. What can you expect from me? Advice, answers, questions and observations. I believe the little things in life make living more fun and a sense of humor is the most important trait to have. Hopefully I can make you laugh, think and learn and maybe you can do the same for me.

Welcome to my blog. I am glad you are here.


Noba said...

Sounds like a well-rounded family. Surely you also have great support from an intelligent, good-looking, suave, and charitable uncle/godfather.

Angie said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I look forward to reading.