Monday, October 29, 2007

What kind of parent are you?

I found this little survey on one of my favorite blogs (
and I started thinking about how I parent and how being a Mom makes me feel. Often I get bogged down in the day to day job of Motherhood and I forget what an amazing gift I have in my children. As I read Tertia's and her reader's responses I began to think about how, even though we all parent differently, in the end we only want what is best for our children. It is so interesting to see how other people worry about things that would never cross my mind and vice versa. It makes me wonder why we often judge other parents harshly- as long as kids are taken care of and cared for, why do the little differences matter? Here are my answers to the survey, why don't you take a moment to give me yours.

I would never:
Leave my kids unattended in a tub or near water

I always:
Check on them in the middle of the night

I got an easy ride when it came to:
Flexbility- both of my kids are very go with the flow and don't freak out if their routine is disturbed

The part I dislike most about parenting is:
When my kids are sick. I hate feeling so helpless.

The part I love most about parenting is:
Seeing them learn and experience new things.

My terrible parenting secret is:
They don't get a bath every night.

I would describe my approach to discipline as:
Consistent and fair

My worst parenting habit:
Second guessing my husband in front of the kids when I think he is being too strict

The one thing I am really proud of is:
I am very patient

I probably am too lenient when it comes to:
Having Nicholas pick up his toys

I hope my kids inherit my:
Compassion, patience and love of reading

I hope my kids don’t inherit my:
Shyness and weight issues

I love that my kids are:
So laid back and easygoing

The thing I miss most about my pre-mom days is:
Sleeping when I want and having time alone.

Motherhood is:
More rewarding than I thought it could be. Now that I am a mom, I feel settled, like I don't have to keep searching for my place in the world because I am finally home.

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